Your First Day

Posted by in Career Advice

The first day of a new job, whether it be as a sales clerk or a sales manager, can be a little scary. It can remind you of high school when you didn’t know who you were going to sit with in the cafeteria. To settle your nerves, and your stomach, here’s a few tips to get you through the day.
*Be on time: This is a no brainer. Not only be on time but being a little early is even a better idea. The last thing the boss needs is to see you sprinting down the hall to the time clock fifteen minutes late. Take into account any traffic problems, roadwork or unforeseen delays. If you are late due to a unforeseen problem, call immediately and let your job know what’s going on.
*Have a good attitude: This is important. Being henotheistic and positive will be noticed by your co-workers. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and socialize. Be polite and friendly. Make eye contact when being introduced or introducing yourself. Avoid office gossip and politics at all cost. If you notice someone that seems to like to cause trouble, be polite but non-committal.
*Be prepared and ask questions: Make sure you bring a pen and pad to take notes. It will help you to stay organized until you become familiar with what’s expected of you. Also listen carefully to all instructions. Ask questions about anything you don’t understand. It’s better to ask a question and get it right, then not to ask and get it wrong. Never assume. Your co-workers know that you’re new and might need some help. It’s better to accept help than to seem as if you know everything.
*Keep personal business at a minimum: Focus on your job and not your cell phone or Facebook. Keep you email business orientated. Your boss is paying you for your time and will be watching you. You want to be known as a hard and efficient worker not a goof off.
*Learn proper procedures and policies: Check out the company’s manuals to see if there are any answers to questions you may have. Find out if there is an “open door” policy. If there isn’t, ask what you should do if you have a question or problem and who you would go to. See just what exactly your goals are to be and the expectations your employer has for you.
By just using common sense and being the best employee you can be, in a few days you’ll feel as if you have always been at your job. The company hired you because they believed you could do the job, so that’s all you have to do!
Comments, as always, are welcome.
By Linda Lee Ruzicka
Linda Lee Ruzicka lives in the mountains of Western PA , happily married and with her 8 cats and three dogs. She has been published in Twilight Times, Dark Krypt, Fables, Decending Darkness, Writing Village, June Cotner anthology, The Grit, Reminisce , the book, Haunted Encounters: Friends and Family. She is a Affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association She also does freelances work for Beyond and for Salesheads. More of her blogs can be found at Salesheads blog.

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