The Top 10 Reasons I Love(d) My Job

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The Top 10 Reasons I Love(d) My Job

David Letterman is famous for the “Top Ten Lists” on his late-night show on CBS-TV. Every night he features a new top 10 list on a subject, often hosted by celebrities. The topics are endless, entertaining, sometimes shocking but always funny.

Making a list is an effective time management tool, memory jogger and can help unlock the mysteries of our past and future actions. If you’re looking for a job in your former career path, take a tip from David Letterman and make a list of the Top 10 reasons why you love your job or loved you job if you’re unemployed and looking for a new opportunity.

Why 10? Everyone can think of a few reasons to go back to a career path, but 10? By the time you get to #8 or #9, you should be convinced this path is for you. If you get stuck on #3 or #4, it may be time to find something new.

Looking for some inspiration? Would these make your top 10 list?

1. Love it! I can’t think of any other way to spend my time to make a living.
2. It’s evergreen—another way to say it’s a career that is going to be around for a long time.
3. The pay is great…or enough. I can pay the bills, have a little extra for a fun life and put away a little for a relaxing retirement.
4. It has benefits…like medical, dental and life insurance, vacation etc.
5. It has the flexibility I need to fit my life into my work and vice versa. No 50-page employee manual full of “don’ts.” It fits my lifestyle and work style.
6. Cool co-workers. Different ages, backgrounds, genders and lifestyles, but cool enough to find friends and make a great work team.
7. It inspires me. The company’s values and community commitment makes me proud to be part of the team. I want to do my best to contribute to the company’s success.
8. It has a great commitment to employee development and lots of room for advancement.
9. I don’t know anything else. Oops! Reality check. This is what I’ve been trained to do, so I gotta do it!
10. I’m too old, tired or uninspired to do start over again.

No matter what ends up on your Top 10 List, it should either convince you to keep looking or abandon the search and redirect your efforts. And, you may want to give Dave a call and suggest your list for a future show.

What would make your Top Ten List? Share your list in the Comments section below.

Mary Nestor-Harper, SPHR, is a consultant, blogger, motivational speaker and freelance writer for Based in Savannah, GA, her work has appeared in Training magazine, Training & Development magazine, Supervision, BiS Magazine and The Savannah Morning News. When she’s not writing, she enjoys singing Alto II with the Savannah Philharmonic Chorus and helping clients discover what they love and spend their life on it. You can read more of her blogs at and view additional job postings on Nexxt

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