Social Media for Job Seekers

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Communications & Media

If you are looking for a new position in the communications field, social media tools can help you weed through all of the opportunities and connect with the right people. Job seekers should follow basic social media tips when using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other tools to find the best positions: create a professional profile, avoid posting negative information about your current employer, and respond to messages in a timely manner. Follow these additional social media tips to make it easier to find a job.

Eric Chandler of New York University teaches marketing, communications, and public relations courses. He recommends establishing a personal brand and maintaining a consistent presence in the social media world if you are in the market for a new job. Your personal overview should contain information about your previous experience and current career goals. You do not need to hide your personal life from professional contacts, but you should avoid posting text, photos, or videos that would make potential employers question your integrity or your skills.

Chandler also recommends using social media to become a thought leader in your industry. Use your social media accounts to educate people, analyze industry trends, or comment on current events in the industry. Joan Stewart, also known as the Publicity Hound, has done a great job using her social media accounts to become a thought leader in the public relations field. She uses Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to educate people about public relations and provides social media tips for those who want to use these tools for their own PR campaigns. If you take this approach, make sure you follow basic social media tips such as proofreading your content before you publish it and checking your facts before making a statement about a controversial topic.

If you are serious about finding a job, you have to use the right tools. One of the best social media tips for job seekers is to search for new networks if your current ones are not yielding results. Facebook might not work for you, but switching to LinkedIn could kick your job search into high gear. Nearly 90 percent of employers are using LinkedIn to find potential applicants, so the network is a good bet for those who have several years of experience in the industry. LinkedIn has a number of communications and media groups where you can connect with like-minded professionals and explore potential job opportunities.

Social media networks are great for communications and media professionals who want to explore other career options. Improve your chances of finding a new job by creating a personal brand, becoming a thought leader, and using the right tools to find new connections. Following these social media tips will help you meet the right people and find the best available employment opportunities.

(Photo courtesy of



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