Make a Resolution To Read

Posted by in Career Advice

Why reading more can make you more successful.

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I will read just about anything and I like challenging myself with new and different ideas. I have always been an avid reader, even when I was a young child. I think that maybe it was because all of the adults in my family would often be seen reading a book in the evenings. It set the example and I never thought that reading often was uncommon.

Now, as an adult, I see that most of the people I know haven't read a book in years. It amazes me, but I can understand. It's easier to turn on the television instead of curling up with a good book. However, reading is good for you and it's a lot of fun. Especially if you're looking for a job, making a point to read more can really help.

The main thing anyone can do in order to be better at their job is to keep learning and keep growing. Reading books about your industry or about skills that can help will give you motivation and inspiration to reach your goals. Personally, I like to read a fiction novel and a non-fiction book at the same time. How it works is I read a chapter in the non-fiction book and then put it down. I don't pick it back up until I have read at least another chapter in the novel. This allows my brain the time to mull over the ideas before moving on.

If you don't really have the time to read, look for smaller books or even books on tape. Something as simple as playing an audio book while you run errands, commute or take a trip can help. If you want to take it a step further, get your whole family involved and turn off the television one night a week and make it a family reading night.

Many of my friends say that they used to love to read when they were young, but haven't picked up a book in years. If that sounds familiar, don't push yourself too hard. Start off with a novel or a book that you think you would enjoy and make time to read it. The passion for reading never goes away, it just gets pushed aside. Before you know it, you'll be spending a good portion of your free time with your nose in a book.

If you want to make a New Year's resolution that will change your life, decide to make reading a priority.

Do you read a lot? Why or why not? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for FinancialJobBank and Nexxt. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.


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