Be The Needle In The Haystack

Posted by in Career Advice

Are you tired of the same old, same old when it comes to your resume

and cover letter? Do you read over your cover letter and think to yourself “Um Self, this could be any Tom, Jane or Mary's cover letter. It doesn't stand out and it doesn't represent how great I actually am.”. Well then it sounds like its time for some spice! But, who has time for that? YOU! That's who! Here are some quick and easy ways to use the internet to shake up your resume and cover letter.


Google – Yes, this sounds pretty simplistic but Google is a fantastic tool! If you want your cover letter and even your resume to stand out, customize them for the companies you're applying to. Use Google to do a little bit of research into the company. Looking for a long term career position and you find out the company has been in business for 47 years, use it to your advantage. “I am seeking a position that I can excel at for many years within the same company. Knowing that ABC Company has been around for 47 years, I knew applying with you would be a great long term choice.”. Showing that you're not just throwing out random pre-fab resumes goes a long long way. – You often see the same words repeated in resumes and cover letters. Not just within one persons but within a whole stack of applications. You don't want to become too fancy with your wording but finding a few words that may seem repetitive and using alternatives can give you a more professional feel. Many people don't think of words such as “and” and “like” as words that can be altered within a sentence however these are the types of words that make the most impact when changed. Instead of “and” try “as well as”, instead of “like” try “such as”. You don't need to go crazy with it but try some little tweaks.


Facebook and Twitter – These two resources are often under used and under valued. A whole world of people is out there, some of them with knowledge and skills that can be incredibly helpful. Make profiles and start engaging people. Never be afraid to ask questions! Something on your resume sounds a little off? Post it and see what people say. Nervous about grammatical errors? Layout? Font? Anything! Post and get input from peers and professionals alike.

By Jodi Sonoda

Jodi has been blogging for over 3 years, and is excited to currently be blogging with for, and She is attached to the internet at the hip and enjoys the constant connection. She spends most of her offline time playing dolls and reading picture books with her two year old. You can also occasionally find her rocking the mic at karaoke night.


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