4 Tips for Writing a Clean Green Resume

Posted by in Career Advice

The U.S. economy is slowly but surely making space for the green industry. As many products and services place their focus on energy preservation, more jobs are cropping up to accommodate those needs. If you've been thinking about going green in your career, you're about to enter a fresh and exciting industry. Of course, you need a new and exciting resume to match. Here are some tips for helping you to write a resume that can facilitate your transition into a green-collar career. 1. Learn Green Industry Keywords As with any other industry, it's important to immerse yourself in the keywords. Not only will this be important when trying to get your electronic resume past scanning software, but it will be necessary to show when your resume is viewed by human eyes' that you know the industry. There are a number of keywords to make note of and of course, you want to make sure the ones you choose match the job you're applying for, but some to consider adding are: green audit, recycling, precycling, carbon trading, and ecoflation in order to increase your chances of snagging an interview. 2. Show That Your Previous Experience Aligns With Employers' Needs Many candidates have never worked in the green industry because it is so new. Employers understand this and don't always expect your experience to be an exact match. But if you want to show that you're the best fit for a position, it's good to highlight all of the experience you have that aligns closely to each job's requirements. You're likely to have more transferrable skills than you think. 3. Prove You Care About the Planet If you currently belong to a recycling program, have ever volunteered for a green organization, or have made other green efforts, your resume is the place to mention it. Also, if the company you apply to asks for a paper resume, send it on recycled, chlorine-free paper with a matching envelope to show your commitment to living the green lifestyle. 4. Get Help From a Green Insider Also, don't be shy about asking for help from a person who is already working in the green industry. Get tips on ways to impress hiring managers, as well as how to get more involved in the industry on both the professional and personal levels. Your hard work in officially 'going green' will pay off. There's nothing more rewarding than dedicating your life to enhancing the planet. So if you are serious about working in the green industry, start with creating a great resume that can help you get your foot in the door of a company that's truly making a difference.

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